Tag: sunrise

Connoisseur of Light in Kathmandu

I am winding up nine interesting days in Nepal, primarily in the Kathmandu valley, where I have had the pleasure of watching the light as it changes throughout each day. As I have blogged before, I like to think of myself as something of a connoisseur of light. Like a wine connoisseur, I am going to try to review the light that I encountered in Kathmandu. As much as I might like to steal some lines from the classic reviews of wines, I will avoid phrases like “fresh yet dense, exhibiting notes of, with a finish of, showing hints of” and “with lingering notes.” Read More

Ten views, one sunrise, Bangalore, India (a video)

For a recent sunrise in Bangalore, India, I used ONE camera (with an intervalometer) which took one picture every eight seconds and then the camera made ten different versions of that same image using the built in art-filters. These creative image processing options (or art filters) alter the image to look like a line drawing or to mimic cross processing, pin hole, diorama, etc. In the final video, I show you the unaltered sunrise and then I use about six seconds from each of the ten different versions of the time lapse piece, all showing different parts of the same sunrise. I play them sequentially in the finished the video which goes through all ten video filters during the video. Read More

Shameless self-promotion

I am writing today about a variety of resources for photographers. Of course, the major one that I am thinking about is The Wells Point web site. Yes, this could easily be interpreted as a shameless self-promotion. I prefer to think of it as an information-advisory about all the valuable things on the site. Read the whole post and then you decide. Read More